Author Archive

20 Jun 2013

These Doors Are Always Open

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We love to see our residents. Our office doors are open for you during business hours. We would really appreciate it if you turn off your cell phones while you are in the office so we can assist you to the best of our ability. See you soon!

03 Jun 2013

Let’s Keep the Peace

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Neighbors can be neighbors by respecting the noise level. How? Lower the music volume when playing your favorite tunes. Avoid making loud banging noises while moving furniture around. For those of you who like vigorous debates, try to make peace before the sun goes down. Your neighbor will appreciate the quietness at night!

10 Mar 2013

The Best Investment

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Renters insurance can be the best investment for your new home. Why? Because it protects your property if there is an accidental fire, theft or other fiasco. Contact our office to learn more about renters insurance. It may be a few dollars more, but in the long-run, it’s worth it!

04 Nov 2012

We’re All Smiles

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Our staff welcomes the new residents to our community. We couldn’t be happier that you decided to move here. We will live up to all your expectations and then some! When you are finished unpacking, stop by the office and meet our team.